
                                                                    Quiz Competition
26 February 2014
The Department held a quiz competition  in the College Campus.  There were four teams who participated in the competition and the winners were given prizes by our worthy Principal, Dr. Mrs. Madhu Prashar. Now-a-days, only academic knowledge is not sufficient to be successful in any field of life. It was a good effort by the teachers of the department for the all round development of the students The motive of the competition was to increase the general awareness among the students. This competition helped in enhancing the knowledge and capability of the students.

Seminar on Foreign Direct Investment
22 February 2014
To make the students aware of the current scenario, seminars on the current topics such as RTI, FDI, Mergers and Aquisitions were organised on 22nd, 23rd and 24th February 2014.   The students were encouraged to come forward to present their views. Students prepared Power Point presentations on the various topics and all the Power Point Presentations were uploaded on devsamaj.commerce@gmail.com so that students can study these topics whenever they require and can use it in future.
Workshop on Power Point Presentation
21 February 2014
A workshop on Power Point Presentation was organized by the department in order to teach the students the way to express their views through presentations It was 5 hour workshop.  The whole procedure of preparing Power Point Presentations  was explained to the students. Dr. (Mrs.)Madhu Prashar was the chief guest of the workshop. She gave her valuable views about the needs of these kinds of workshops and appreciated the endeavor made by the teachers to develop the intellect of students through these types of workshops.

Mock Interview
20 February 2014
For the overall development of the students, a mock interview was conducted in the College Campus. The motive behind the mock interview was to help the students to face the pressure of interviews and to build their confidence. An interviewer panel was made which included Mrs. Anju, Mrs Aarti and Mrs. Sukhjeevan Brar. All the members of the panel took a formal interview of the students by asking various questions regarding different aspects. Students participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu Prashar appreciated the initiative of the teachers who conducted this event. As the event ended, traces of motivation were clearly reflected on the faces of students.

Presentation on Motivation
17 February 201
A seminar on the topic, "Motivation" was organized highlighting the lives of various legends. Speakers highlighted the outlines of the lives of the various great people such as Mother Teresa, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Swami Vivekanand and many more. Our worthy Principal Dr. Mrs. Madhu Prashar and Mr. Prateek Prashar (Dean College Development Council) attended the event and shared their views. Madam Principal motivated one and all present there with the teachings of the various legends. The event ended with a positive mark on the attendant’s mind and soul.

09 November, 2013
A one day seminar was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce. The aim of this seminar was to enhance the capabilities of the students by encouraging them to adopt a better life style and develop habits which can lead them towards achieving their goals. In this seminar the real life hardships and struggles faced by some of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders like Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs were shared. Students learned that how their habits and lifestyle helped them to achieve success. Students were also told about Different habits like; Hardworking, Punctuality, Truthfulness, Loyalty, Reading Books, Time management and physical fitness, which every successful person maintains during his/her life. The title of this seminar was “Habits of Highly Effective and Influential People”. This seminar was conducted by Mrs. Leena kakkar, Head of Department, Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Dev Samaj College for Women Ferozepur. 200 students of Post Graduate Department of Commerce participated in this seminar.
Seminar on Consumer Protection Act
7 November 2013
A guest lecture was organized on Consumer Protection Act. The lecture was delivered by Sh. Sanjay Garg, Judicial member of Income Tax Appelator Tribunal equivalent to Secretary Government of India, Mumbai. The objective of the lecture was to enhance the awareness about consumer rights among students. Every person, in one way or the other is a consumer of various products and services. So, to provide a knowledge about the rights of consumers, a guest lecture on the same was organized by the Department of Commerce

Voter's Day Celebration
18 September 2013
In order to motivate the students to become an agent of change through their vote, Slogan making and poster making competition was organized. A special campaign was also taken up to spread awareness among voters regarding effective participation in the electoral process.  More than 70 posters and slogans were prepared by the students with the aim to aware one and all present about the importance of voting. Students were also made aware about their responsibilities and duties towards the society. Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu Prashar  gave her valuable opinion regarding voting.

    Seminar on Depreciation of Rupee
17 September 2013
A seminar on the burning topic, “Depreciation of Rupee” was organized.  Mr. Prateek Prashar (Dean College Development Council) was the guest of honour of the seminar. Initially, Arashdeep, Nishu, Jaideep of B.Com-III presented their views on the topic followed by a healthy discussion regarding the downfall of Indian Rupee. The factors like inflation, prices of petrol and  diesel and interest rate were discussed in the seminar. Mr. S.S. Sandhu( H.O.D. of Maths Department) and Mr. Prateek Prashar (Dean College Development Council)gave their valuable opinions on the topic and inspired the students.

Extravaganza on Fragile Rupee
17 September 2013
Extravaganza on Fragile Rupee was conducted . Students prepared stalls to demonstrate their local products and their relative importance over the international products was also discussed. The stalls had only Indian products and promoted the use of Indian products over the International products. Students wanted to show that , we at the local level can can do a lot to save our Indian Rupee from depreciating in the International market. Overall, it proved to be a knowledgeable experience for the students as well as the staff members.

Workshop on Online Business Awareness
23 August 2013 
A workshop on the topic, “Online Business Awareness” was organized by the PG Department of Commerce. Students were made aware about the benefits of online shopping. The whole procedure of online shopping was explained to the students through charts and Power Point Presentations. The faculty members of  the department( Mrs. Leena Kakkar, Dr. Vishal, Mrs. Savita Mrs. Aarti, Mrs. Anju, Miss Jasmeet, Mrs. Sakshi) also had their healthy contribution in the workshop. They motivated the students to use the technology in the best possible way.


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