About the Department

The P.G. Department of Commerce has been imparting quality education to prepare innovative and effective managers, researchers, and teachers for more than two decades. It is keeping itself abreast with the changing times and is on a fast move to equip its students to meet the challenges of globalization and knowledge explosion. The department provides a stimulating learning environment to the students with a variety of advanced features and amenities. The Department has a sufficient number of spacious & airy classrooms that are equipped with multimedia projectors. The Department has established itself as the centre of excellence with a focus on education and research taking into consideration of societal welfare. The faculty of the department has a track record of academic excellence, possessing the highest level of competence in terms of qualifications and exposure to a wide range of the latest and innovative technology in the digital era. The performance of the students is continuously evaluated through class participation, written assignments, and class tests in addition to mid-semester and end-semester examinations. The Placement Cell of the Department helps in exploring good employment opportunities in different sectors like industry, research, and academics continuously. 


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