
26th February 2015
It is very difficult to explain the unique contribution to the world of  Bhagwan Dev Atma, founder of Dev Samaj. In the culture of Dev Samaj, these relations are celebrated with great enthusiasm and the first relation is Parents- Children relation. This day is basically celebrated so that students can express their unconditional love for their parents. Many students came forward to express their gratitude to their parents.

16th January 2015
An exhibition on women empowerment was organised to support "Beti Bachao & Beti Paraho Abhiyann". The students actively participated in the exhibition and showcased their creativity by highlighting various social issues related to women.The students made charts and posters highlighting the social issues relating to women such as- Dowry system, Domestic Violence,Gender Discrimination, Depriving them from the Right to Education, Eve teasing and many more.

4th December, 2014
Apart from the regular course, the department tried to make the students aware about the importance of moral values.The students delivered lectures on various sages which has taught us  about moral values.  The students gave presentations on the teachings of "Bhagwan Dev Atma", "Rabindra Nath Tagore", "Sh.Guru Gobind Singh Ji" and "Mother Teresa". Each and every faculty member is committed towards the duty of providing moral education to the students and also explaining them the importance of ethical behavior towards the society.

27th November,2014
Department organised a guest lecture by Mr.Uday Randev (President of State Punjab Munch, National and State Awardee). He discussed about Female Foeticide, Importance and Role of Women in our society. He awared the girls about their rights. Being a state star doner, Mr. Randev shared the importance of blood donation  whereby we can save someone's life and can bring smile on someone's face.This lecture was a good source for generating awareness in students.

18 November, 2014
A seminar on the topic “Disaster Management” was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce on 18 November, 2014 in the Commerce Department. The Students of   B.Com – II nd year participated in the seminar. The lecture was delivered by Ms Ruble, Assistant Professor in Commerce Department. Disaster management is the burning topic and to make students aware about this topic the seminar was conducted. Disaster management is body of policy and administrative decisions and operational activities which pertain to the various stages of a disaster at all levels. This field of specialization arose out of the recognition that a disaster can put back the development goals of a region by several years. Various issues related to Disaster Management were discussed such as major disasters in India during recent periods and actions undertaken by Government, its impact on Economy and challenges for the future. Near about sixty five students participated in the seminar. It was an interactive session in which students learnt the importance of disaster management that can reduce the damage caused and increase the resilience of the nation.
                                                         ARTICLE WRITING
17th November 2014
An Article Writing competition was held on the topic of "Role of Education In Women Empowerment". The aim of the competition was to judge the creativity of the students and know their views about women empowerment. This competition was basically organized to enhance the writing skills of the students.Apart from studies, these competitions are organized for the overall development of the students.

29th October, 2014
A Poster Making competition was held on the problems of Drug Addiction and Environment Pollution.The Competition was organized with a view to make the students aware about the problems and to suggest the remedies for the same. The students actively participated in the competition and depicts the problems related to environmental pollution through posters.

20 October, 2014
On 20 October, 2014 the Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a seminar on academia research and profession. Dr Anju Bala, Assistant Professor, Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur, addressed the students and explained them the basics of academic research. She also Explained the students that how they can choose research as their profession. She shared her experiences about conducting academic research and the benefits of research in academics. She also explained various policies of the government where the government itself provides funds for conducting research for the betterment of students and youth of the nation. It was a great learning experience for the students. Around 100 students participated in this seminar.

                                    SEMINAR ON LIFE SKILLS MANAGEMENT
24 September, 2014
The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a workshop on the life skills Management on the 24 September, 2014 which was delivered by Mrs. Leena Kakkar, Head of Commerce Department. The purpose of this seminar was designed to equip students with the social and interpersonal skills that enable them to cope with the demands of everyday life. The objective of this session was to build students' self-confidence, encourage critical thinking, foster independence and help them to communicate more effectively. The development of life skills helps the student to: find new ways of thinking and problem solving. The seminar consisted of five phases- Mind over Mood, Managing stress, Time Management and Procrastination, Introductions to mindfulness, Better sleep. The session proved very helpful for all the students present in the seminar.
24th September,2014
A caption contest was held on various topics such as "Drug Addiction", "Child Abuse","Life Goes On", "Dowry System", "Women Exploitation" and "Garbage Gets Attention". Our honorable Principal DR. (MRS.) MADHU PRASHAR took a round of the exhibition and gave her valuable suggestions and best wishes to the students. 



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