
10th March 2016
A National Workshop on the topic "Life skills" was organised by the P.G Department of Commerce. The resource persons of the workshop were -Dr. Pushpinder Singh (M.B.B.S, D.A.), S.Ajit Singh (Retired X.E.N. P.S.E.B) Ludhiana, Principal S. Gazalpreet Singh (Principal Diploma Wing S.B.S.S.T.C.) Ferozepur, S.Parminder Singh (Divisional In-charge-Living Successfully Foundation) Ferozepur. The spokespersons discussed various life skills through different incidents and stories relating to daily life.They further added that to cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, students need new life skills such as the ability to deal with stress and frustration and remain buoyant. Overall the workshop proved to be a great learning experience for the students.  

25th February 2016
A Career Guidance and Counselling Session was organised by the department with an aim to facilitate student's academic, career and personal/social development. Esteemed Principal Madam Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu Prashar was the Chief Guest of the occasion.  She addressed the outgoing students of B.Com-III to familiarize them with the different career opportunities available to them. She also explained the importance of Commerce in the present scenario.

10 February, 2016 
A seminar on the topic “Recent Advances in Manufacturing” was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce on 10 February, 2016 in the Commerce Department. The Students of   B.Com – III year participated in the seminar.The lecture was delivered by Mrs Aarti Garg, Assistant Professor in Commerce Department. She discussed with students that advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) involve new manufacturing techniques and machines combined with the application of information technology, microelectronics and new organizational practices within the manufacturing process. These hardware technologies have found wide acceptance in discrete manufacturing and in resource and processing sectors. She discussed the importance of Computer numeric controls that have been applied to systems for machining, forming, cutting and moulding. Various technologies such as Computer-aided design (CAD) and rapid Prototyping, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) and ‘Soft’ manufacturing process technologies - Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, Total quality management (TQM) and Supply chain management were discussed. She also discussed about   change in nature of competition in manufacturing. Benefits and limitations of advanced manufacturing technologies were discussed. Near about fifty five students participated in the seminar. In all, seminar was informative and a good experience for the students to learn. 
10th Feb, 2016
MAAT PITA SANTAN DIVAS was celebrated by  the Post Graduate Department of Commerce This day is celebrated to express our love and gratitude towards our parents who have devoted their entire lives for the betterment of their children. Students made posters , collages and wrote articles,  and poems to share their feelings towards their parents.

21 October, 2015
Being positive and stress free, is the basic mantra to be successful, and to make the students aware about this, the Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a two day workshop from 21 October, 2015 to 22 October, 2015, on positive thinking and stress management. On the first day of this workshop Mr. Nikhil Jay Ashwani, Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Dev Samaj College for Women Ferozepur, addressed the students and explained them the importance of always being positive in life. On Second day he explained the students that how staying stress free helps to take better decisions in life and also has a positive impact on our health. He explained different techniques to relieve stress and gain positivity. He also shared the benefits and role of meditation in staying stress free. 200 Students of commerce department participated in this workshop and gained very important and valuable lessons. 
                                     BUSINESS MODEL MAKING COMPETITION
9th October 2015
Post graduate Department of Commerce conducted business model making competition .In this competition students were supposed to form their own  company with an innovative name, tag line  and products. . The  competition was organized so that students can show their creativeness . They came up with very brilliant ideas and participated actively in competition. The companies which got first and second prize were sports and motorcycle company respectively.
                                       GROUP DISCUSSION ON RESERVATION
17th September 2015
Post graduate Department of Commerce organised a Group discussion session on the topic Reservation .Students participated with enthusiasm and they discussed pros and cons of reservation. Resevation is a very debatable topic for discussion .Reservation was introduced for the benefit of weaker class of society, so that they can also enjoy their rights.Students actively participated in group discussion and discussed thought provoking statements.This discussion was  knowledgeable for everyone.
29th September 2015
A Collage Making Competition was held on 29th September 2015. Students from + B.Com- I, II and III participated in the Competition. Topics such as- ‘Reservation’, ‘Make in India, ‘Swacch Bharat’, ‘Make in India, ‘Digital India’, ‘Goods and Services Tax ,‘Drugs in Punjab’ etc. were represented by the students in different styles.  Our honourable Principal   Dr.  (Mrs.) Madhu Prashar  and Prateek Prashar took a round of the exhibition, gave her valuable suggestions and best wishes to the students. 

21nd September 2015
A seminar on Goods Sales Tax was organized by "Post graduate Department of Commerce" . A detailed discussion was held on the provisions if goods sales tax. In today's scenario students has to be aware of various tax prevelant in India , so efforts were made by department to provide knowledge to about goods sales tax to them.
                                        SEMINAR ON 'LISTING OF SECURITIES
2nd Sep 2015
A seminar on 'Listing of Securities' was organised by "Post graduate Department of Commerce" on 2nd September 2015 and students of 'M.COM-II' participated in the seminar.These days, the word Stock or stock market has become a matter of interest for every one and whether it is a business man or a service class person, every one wants to invest his/her surplus income in stocks or stock market. So it is a dire need of the students to have knowledge regarding stock exchange and how securities are being listed there. And Especially students of commerce should be aware of these terms .So this seminar was organised to make students familiar with these terms and to enhance their knowledge.
4th September 2015
A seminar on 'Food adulteration' was organised in "Post graduate Department of Commerce".
Students of '+1 Commerce' participated in the seminar. As there is growing concern for health,food adulteration has become an emerging issue. To save the masses and society from the harm effects of adulterated food which are caused after consuming adulterated food, it has become necessary to make the students aware of this issue so that they can protect society and themselves.Students were made aware about the foods which are being contaminated these days . they were also explained the different tests which can be conducted easily at home to check the contaminated food products. At last students shared their views on the problems faced by them due to contaminated food and water. 

8 September 2015
Health Insurance is a word which is yet not familiar to many people in this country, so it is our responsibility that we should make people aware regarding the benefits and importance of Health Insurance. To contribute in this cause our "Post graduate Department of Commerce" organised a seminar on 'Importance and Benefits of Health insurance'. In this seminar students were provided with the knowledge regarding health insurance and various companies providing health insurance facilities. Students were also very keen to understand this concept as health insurance is of great importance and is also part of their syllabi.

2nd Sept 2015 
A seminar on 'Importance of Commerce' was organised by "Post graduate Department of Commerce". Commerce has become the lifeline of every country. The level of development and the standard of living of the people are linked to the state of commerce in a particular country. No country can progress without the development of commerce. The needs of the people are not limited to the goods produced at their places only. They demand goods manufactured in other countries also. Commerce has so developed an idea that whole world has become one big market. As a result economic activities and aims dominate the minds of modern men. Business, commerce and industries are important branches of economic activities. Industries are said to be the backbone of national economy. In the present day world, almost every human activity is related with economy, whether in the shape of trade and industry or commerce and banking. Any concern which has transaction of money, a commerce graduate has his footing there.So the main aim of this seminar was to inculcate and enhance confidence in the students of Commerce, so that they realise they have opted perfect course as far as their career is concerned.

9th September 2015
'Post graduate department of commerce' organised a Group discussion session on the 'Education system in India'. Students  of Post graduate classes attended and participated in the session.In this discussion students discussed about the shortcomings and defects of our education system and suggested the ways overcome these shortcomings.Even Rabindranath Tagore wrote lengthy articles about how Indian education system needs to change. But the irony is that from the colonial times only few things have changed.We have Established IIT's, IIM's,Law schools and other institutions for excellence but admission to these institutions have bin limited to only percentage or scores and students with above 90% hardly get admissions to these institutions.The main drawback of education system is, that it still follows the traditional ways of studying or education, colonial powers designed our education system to create clerks and civil servants only and we have not deviated from that pattern till date .Students actively participated in this discussion and it was a very good experience for them. 
10th September 2015 
'Right do die or Euthanasia' is a very sensitive topic. And is very much discussed these days due to increased number of students (majorly) and other people, committing suicide. Euthanasia is defined as practise of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.But our youngsters are getting more and more attracted towards this practise, as they do not know the real cause and reason behind euthanasia to come into existence.And as an educational institution it becomes our responsibility to make the students aware about this practise and to discourage them from doing such things in the name of their right."Post graduate Department of Commerce" organised a seminar on 'Euthanasia' and students of 'B.COM-III & M.COM' participated. In this seminar the details of Euthanasia were discussed and students were made to realise the importance of their life and how they should never give up and discourage the others who are getting attracted towards this cowardly act.


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