
16 April, 2018
Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a seminar entitled “PATENTS LAWS AND EMERGING ISSUES” on April 16, 2018.  The prime focus of the seminar was emerging trends of IP such as International Technology Transfer, International Branding strategy, Emerging IP laws and managing and unearthing your IP. The seminar will conclude with a counselling session aimed at clarifying queries of clients at a personal level. The counselling session is a great opportunity for the participants to seek answers for any questions relevant to their work or company. 

Dr. Anju Bala, Assistant Professor, Dev Samaj College for Women Ferozepur, shared her experience and opinions with participants under the title “Patent Law and Emerging Issues”. She explained Patents and patent system, narrated various issues of it and later on focussed on the emerging issues on patent. She also discussed various points to overcome the problems.
April 13, 2018
One day seminar is being held at college auditorium by the department of commerce on the topic of Unfolding the myths of laws. Chief Judicial Magistrate Mr. Baljinder Singh was the Chief guest of the event and president of BAR association Mr. Baljeet Singh Dhaliwal and Secretary Mr. Arshdeep Singh Randhawa was the resource persons. We all our having number of myths regarding laws like one who can not afford legal representative he can not facilitate the court system but with the view of spreading free legal aid with a slogan that Legal aid is a right not a charity this seminar took place. At the end an interaction between the students and Chief Judicial Magistrate was held. It was a great educational seminar for all. 

27 March, 2017
Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a one day seminar on intellectual property rights. Students were given detailed knowledge about intellectual property rights.
In this event students and teachers of commerce department came together to discuss the problems and opportunities related to Intellectual Property Rights. The event started with the welcome address of Ms. Aarti Garg she explained the rational and aim of the seminar. All the students and faculty members of commerce department were presented in the seminar. The students were actively joined and involved in the question answer session of every session. This conference was focused on various issues of the IPR. Ms Leena Kakkar, Head of Department, Post graduate department of Commerce shared her experiences with participants under the title “An overview Intellectual Property Rights and Contemporary Challenges”. She discussed the idea about the antecedents of IPR, narrated various issues of it and later on focused on the emerging issues on IPR. She discussed various points to overcome the problems.
March 23, 2018
On March 23, 1931, three brave freedom fighters laid down their lives for the independence of India from colonial rule. Years later, till date, people continue to reminisce Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev for the significant contributions they made towards India’s independence in 1947, over a decade after their death. On March 23, this year, the death anniversary of the martyrs Post Graduate department of Commerce paid a tribute them along with Priyanka Raheja, Assistant Professor.

March 12, 2018
Students of Post Graduate Department of commerce along with the Assistant Professor  Roopkamal ma'am paid a visit in Aanadpur Sahib. In the Gurdwara, before entering the hall people must cover their heads and take off their shoes. Visitors without a proper head cover, i.e. turban or chunni (lady's scarf) can borrow scarves provided by the Gurdwara, or otherwise a large handkerchief could serve the purpose. Shoes should be left in the racks. This practice also serves as a practical demonstration and a reminder to the Sikhs that they should not believe in the caste system, and should eat together irrespective of their status, high or low; rich or poor.
"THE SWITCH : From Good to Great" 
March 9, 2018
A Motivational Seminar on “The Switch: From Good to Great” was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce on 9th March 2018. Prabinjha, Director Marketing MMDU was the key spokesperson   for the seminar. A number of examples given by the sir like positive mental game is the secret behind the success of many athletes, professionals etc. Everyone felt like enthusiastic.

February 24, 2018
Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a career counseling session for students 24th February 2018. Career decisions play a pivotal role in shaping the future growth and development of students. In today’s environment of multiple options, knowing about choices available helps children in their decision-making process. The necessity of formulating a career plan and honing the required life skills and study skills were emphasized along with due consideration given to aptitude, interest and personality type.The session commenced with the Counselor, reiterating the importance of knowing one’s potential and subject of interest before making a decision. She also laid stress on the right combination of subjects as per their aptitude which should be reflected in their academic performance. She emphasized on the importance of making informed decisions. The Q & A session helped clarify several issues regarding careers as well as reiterated the requirement for parental support in making the right choice The session aimed at making the audience aware of the multiple career options available. She also shared information regarding leading universities and various courses available. She also urged the students not to make decisions based on family expectations and peer pressure. She guided the students to identify their interests and what they are good at. She also advised them to plan multiple activities during their vacations to hone their skills. The session was informative and enriching for the students.

February 20, 2018
P.G. Department of Commerce organized a workshop on scaling and measurement on 20th Feb 2018. Students of M.Com Ist year participated in the workshop. A common feature of marketing research is the attempt to have respondents communicate their feelings, attitude, opinions and evaluation. Students gained the knowledge through practical experience.

February 10, 2018
A seminar on the topic “Start up Company” was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce on 10 February, 2018 in the Commerce Department. The Students of   B.Com III year participated in the seminar.The lecture was delivered by Mrs Roopal Kaur, Assistant professor in commerce department. She discussed with the students that some people think that entrepreneurs are born, not made. They can acquire the knowledge and skills to transform their idea from a thought to a business that provides a livelihood for them and their family. By taking a journey to start a new company, they can develop a mindset and skills to make their business idea a reality. They can learn the essential skills and ingredients to launch and sustain their business. She discussed how one can become comfortable with the idea of risk and then try to minimize those risks wherever possible.  She also pointed out as what is needed to make one’s business last long-term, and how to ensure that the business runs smoothly. The session mainly stressed on the importance of   mentors, building networking muscles, and dealing with failure. Near about seventy students participated in the seminar. Above all, seminar was informative and a good experience for the students to learn.
November 15 & 16, 2017
It is very difficult to explain the unique contributions to the world of most worshipable Bhagwan Dev Atma, founder of Dev Samaj. In the IV part of Dev Shastra, the subtle explanation of 16 human relations is given laying stress on living with peace and understanding in relation. With the view, Post Graduate Department of Commerce Organised a Poster Making Competition and Debate of Bhagwan Dev Aatma on Nov.15 & 16. These days are basically celebrated so that students can express their devotion towards Bhagwan Dev Aatma. Students showed great enthusiasm for the celebration of these days. Some blankets had been distributed to the needy people on the occasion of his birth ceremony.

 November 3, 2018
The Post graduate department of commerce organised a seminar on Human resource development in defense sector. Human resource Development is an important issue in all type of sector as well as defense sector. Soldiers are being treated as superhero of the nation. These must be developed by the number of strategies. To made everyone aware about this sector this seminar was conducted.
10 October, 2017

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a seminar on the Guide to Stress Management on the 10 October, 2017 which was delivered by Mr. Nikhil Jay Ashwani, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce. The purpose of this seminar was to understand the causes of students' stress. As the students are already having a busy life that may include work and family obligations, college classes and study, sprinkle in exams, budgeting and other interests. Upset stomach, headaches, exhaustion and difficulty sleeping are common symptoms that are seen in the student’s lives. So, through this seminar some stress management strategies were discussed by which college students can alleviate stress and succeed in their lives. Some of the strategies discussed were: Eat well, exercise, indulge yourself in a new hobby, build a support system, think positively, and meditate. The session was of great help to 110 students present in the seminar.
September 23, 2017
A workshop on Power Point Presentation was organized by the department in order to teach the students the way to express their views through presentations.
The whole procedure of preparing Power Point Presentations was explained to the students. Participants gave their valuable views about the needs of these kinds of workshops and appreciated the endeavor made by the teachers to develop the intellect of students through these types of workshops.
September 20, 2017
A Collage Making Competition & slogan writing was held on 20th September 2018. Students from B.Com-II, IIIrd and M.Com-II participated in the Competition. Topics such as- , ‘Make in India, ‘Swacch Bharat’, ‘Make in India, ‘Digital India’, ‘Goods and Services Tax ,‘Drugs in Punjab’ etc. were represented by the students in different styles. 

September 18, 2017
Health is the normal and sound state of the body.With this approach Post Graduate Department of commerce organised a program on elocution on health and hygiene.This is a great source of peace and happiness.Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body free from any disorder, sickness or ailment. In simple words, health refers to the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of a person.
    Collage Making Competition
September 15, 2017
A Collage Making Competition on “Recent Issues in the Indian Economy” was held on  Students from + B.Com- II and III participated in the Competition. Topics such as- ‘GST’, ‘demonetisation’, ‘Predominance of agriculture sector’’ etc. were represented by the students in different styles. The aim of the competition was to make the students aware about the recent issues in the economy. The students actively participated in the competition. All the faculty members took a round of the exhibition, gave their suggestions and best wishes to the students. At the end, first two positions were declared.  

September 8, 2017
A seminar is held by the Department of commerce to analysis of valuing material issues that imparted knowledge of pricing of the product with a view of profitability of the firm. Participants initiated number of activities that could be helpful in the future when they employed in  any organization.

September 7, 2017
Post Graduate Department of commerce in collaboration with Department of Home science organized two day workshop on "Low Calories Diet" for adolescents- Food Festival. Low calories diet also contain the recommended daily requirements for vitamin and minerals. We are truly blessed by the prominent scholars who gave the knowledge about the health which could be remain by the particular diet.
September 5, 2017
Post Graduate Department of Commerce celebrated Teachers’ day on 5th September.
" Guru Gobind dono khade kaake laagu paae, Balihaari guru aapke jo gobind dio milaae" 
Many students came forward to express their gratitude towards their teachers. Students shared their feelings through poems, songs and different writings. Students also expressed their love for their teachers’ by making cards, posters and collages. Students celebrated this day with full zeal.

September 4, 2017
A learning program is done with the objective of making hand crafts with a very less finance that can be a source of income. With the intention of that an activity is made by the Department of commerce. Hand crafts is a wide variety of types of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by hand with the blend of talent.

September 4, 2017
The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a presentation on Case Studies- Women Entrepreneurship highlighting the importance of women in the society as well as in the organisation.  The objective of the act was  to cultivate leadership skills in women, to create awareness about the social problems faced by women and to work for the up liftment of women and to make women realize their responsibility in building a society.

September 1, 2017
Department of commerce observed Swachhta abhiyaan on September 1, 2017. During this period, the campus was vibrant with various activities and events related to Sanitation. Dr. Mrs. Madhu Prashar, principal inspired the students to ensure cleanliness around them and the institution and run programs to sensitize all members, including faculty, staff and students to keep the surroundings clean.Many activities were conceptualized in order to spread the message of Swachh Bharat.

August 31, 2017
The Commerce Department organized a power point presentation on social issues. these are the problems that influences a number of individual group with in a society. Participants got to know about various kind of social issues related to their personal as well as social issues.

Debate on “Is India a Free Country”?
August 31, 2017
They cited reasons and supported them with suitable examples from real life, to justify their view. the audience really appreciated the debate. All are independent from a foreign rule but we are still not free from jealousy, intolerance and hatred towards our fellow countrymen. We are full of bitterness towards other religions, traditions and always try to suppress the growth of the other. We are tied in shackles of terrorism, false ideologies, corruption, communal violence, and class – caste distinctions and so on. We tend to forget that independence is not only living freely but also allowing others to live freely.
Everyone should pledge to work towards the development of India in a true sense and make India-a place  full of love and happiness and mark it as a successful nation on the world map. Only then, will we be independent in true sense of the term.

August 31, 2017
Mathematics notations is a system of symbolic representations of mathematical objects & ideas. These are used in mathematics, physical science, engineering and economics. This workshop provided information for each mathematical symbols.

August 31, 2017
A very effective knowledge about the era of Human Resources is given to the students through this seminar. It has been held on August 31, 2017. Every organisation is build with its goals that should be inculcate by employees' goals too. For a smooth functioning of organisation the importance of personnel should be analysed.
August 23, 2017
Post Graduate Department of Commerce has organised a seminar on "Evolution of Indian Banking System and Types of Banks" with a comprehensive overview of the Evolution of Indian Banking System & its structural settings. As attempt has made to reflect on the evolution & development in the history of Indian Banking System. As there are various banks exist in the economy with differentiated characteristics.

 August 11, 2017
The department of Commerce organized a workshop with the collaboration of Mathematics department named "Information on Banking Transactions" .As we are living in the era of banking.Everyone should have the knowledge of banking transactions.With the motive of providing knowledge that how to operate banking activities this workshop took place.As many of us know that the Bank is a complex institution in which surplus can be deposited and one can take loan but there are so many facilities which are given by a Bank. In this workshop these transactions has been discussed and it was a great innovative programme in which all students and teachers took initiated. The glimpse of this workshop as under.

10 August, 2017

Post Graduate Department of Commerce on 10 August, 2017, organized an exhibition cum sale event/workshop in the college campus. In this event the students were divided in teams and each team was assigned a stall to sale their products. The students used different marketing and creative skills to earn and generate profits. The aim of this activity was to enhance the Entrepreneurial capabilities of the students. This event provided the students a platform to exercise what they study and they got a real time experience of doing business. Students of Post Graduate Department of Commerce participated in this activity.
August 10, 2017
A Sale-cum-exhibition was organised as part of pre Independence day.A total of 200 students from Department of Commerce displayed innovative talents. With the key objective of bringing out the hidden talents of students and with a focus on creating more awareness of Handmade products.


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