
A Competition on Cover Page Designing
9th March 2017
The Commerce Department organized a competition on Cover Page Designing. The students of the Department actively participated in the competition and showcased their creativity by making cover pages of different journals with the help of various applications and softwares. The competition showed the hidden talent and creative side of the students.

Voters' Day Celebrations
25th January 2017
To generate awareness about the process of voter registration, importance of voting and  the performance of the Election functionaries during non-election periods, Voter’s Day was celebrated on 25th January 2017.The day was celebrated in the Department where slogan writing and poster making competition were held. Students  made beautiful models depicting the importance of voting. 25 students participated in the competition. Mrs. Leena Kakkar, Head of the Department motivated students to use their right to vote. At the end, students and staff took oath to caste their vote.

Maat -Pita Santaan Diwas
24th January 2017
God could not be present everywhere so he made parents. To show their gratitude,love, devotion etc., the PG Department of Commerce celebrated Maat Pita Santaan Diwas.
This day is basically celebrated so that students can express their unconditional love for their parents. Many students expressed their gratitude towards their parents. They shared their feelings through poems, songs and different writings.This day filled all the participants with deep emotions of love for their parents. It was a day filled with emotions and happiness. 

 Seminar on Women Empowerment
19th November 2016
The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a seminar on Women Empowerment highlighting the importance of women in the society.  The objective of the seminar was  to cultivate leadership skills in women, to create awareness about the social problems faced by women and to work for the upliftment of women and to make women realize their responsibility in building a society.

Student Enrichment Program
Day 1
11th November 2016
A student Enrichment Programme was held on 11-15th November’16. Students of B.com – 1, 2, 3 participated in this event. The students of the department actively participated in this event and broaden their skill. The Department of Cosmetology department offered a range of programme where students can involve in everything from Basic Make-up to Party wear Make-up and hair tutorials. Cosmetology skills are both practical and in-demand projecting a growth rate of 20% over the next 10 years. Right from the start, students began learning practical skills that they can use to enhance their appearance and help their friends and family. 

 Day 2
12th November 2016

 Day 3
15th November 2016

Poster Making Competition and Quiz Contest on the teachings of Bhagwan Dev Atma
12th November 2016 to 15th November 2016
It is very difficult to explain the unique contributions to the world of most worshipable Bhagwan Dev Atma, founder of Dev Samaj. In the IV part of Dev Shastra, the subtle explanation of 16 human relations is given laying stress on living with peace and understanding in relation. With the view, Post Graduate Department of Commerce organised a Poster Making Competition and Quiz Contest on the teachings of Bhagwan Dev Aatma from 12th November 2016 to 15th November 2016These days are basically celebrated so that students can express their devotion towards Bhagwan Dev Aatma. Students showed great enthusiasm for the celebration of these days.

Group Discussion on Demonetization
1   11th November 2016
Prime Minister  Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced demonetisation of the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes to curb black money. The decision is a big blow to those who earn and stash black money and its implications run far and wide. With this context, a Group Discussion on “Demonetization” was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce.  Students of post graduate classes and graduate classes participated in the discussion. Black money and corruption are the biggest obstacles in eradicating poverty. Various points were covered in discussion such as Income  from illegal activities that is not reported to the government for tax purposes.

Seminar on Motivation
20 October, 2016
A motivational seminar on the topic “How to believe in yourself” was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce on 20 October, 2016 in the Auditorium. Near about two hundred thirty Students of Commerce Department participated in the seminar. Our honourable Principal Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu Prashar guided the students to build their self confidence. She discussed with the students that self confidence is the key to success, or first step to success. If a person has self confidence, he/she has won half the battle. Those who have self confidence at work, school, and in their daily lives always appear on the top of the world. Everything seems to go right for these people and they always seem to present themselves as calm, collected and successful in everything they do. Thinking inspires seeking, striving and struggling, which in turn lead to achieving the goal. She motivated the students by illustrating the life stories of great legends. She also stressed on the importance of positive thoughts. So, if we want to achieve big success, we must start thinking big. Positive thoughts are the most powerful things of the world. But big or positive thinking must be followed by positive actions. The event left a positive impact on the students’ mind.

Slogan Writing Competition
19th October 2016
A Slogan Writing Competition on “Terrorism” was held on 19th October 2016. Students of +1 Commerce, +2 Commerce and B.Com- I participated in the competition. The students actively participated in the competition and wrote slogans on the threats of Terrorism.

Best Out of Waste
18th October 2016
The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organised a “Best out of waste” competition on “18th October ‘2016. It was a must watch activity as the students beautifully presented their skills in form of the art.  Right from waste ropes to broken bangles, match sticks, newspapers, disposable bottles  was used and the result was a hall full of projects made out of waste. It took couple of hours to judge the best 2 out of 15 exhibits.


Shaheed-e- Azam Bhagat Singh's Birthday Celebrations
28th September 2016
The Post Graduate Department of Commerce celebrated Shaheed Bhagat Singh’s birthday to remember the contributions of Bhagat Singh has become the symbol of the new awakening among the youth. He was the charismatic Indian socialist revolutionary whose two acts of dramatic violence against the British in India and execution at the age of 23 made him a folk hero of the Indian independence movement. He made lot of sacrifices for our country which cannot be repaid. 

World Book Fair
8th October 2016
From time to time, new books are added in the commerce section of our college library and to contribute in this process, under the guidance of our worthy principal Dr. Madhu parashar, Postgraduate Department of Commerce visited the book fair organised by Punjabi university Patiala on 8th Oct 2016. Mr. Nikhil Jay Ashwani and Ms. Shaina Sethi from the department  visited the book fair which had varied range of book titles from commerce to management. Many informative books were purchased and  added to the college library.
Seminar on Investment Management
24th September 2016 
A seminar on “Investment Management” was organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce on in the Commerce Department. Students of Post Graduate classes participated in the seminar. Investment management is a generic term that most commonly refers to the buying and selling of investments within a portfolio. Investment management can also include banking and budgeting duties, as well as taxes. Students actively participated in the seminar and they enjoyed it a lot. The seminar was informative and a good experience for the students to learn.

 Interaction Session
7th September, 2016
An Interaction  Session of the students with the Head of Department, Mrs. Leena Kakkar was organised by the department with an aim to facilitate student's academic, career and personal/social development.  Students were made familiar with the different career opportunities available to them after graduation and masters in Commerce.Students were also told the importance of commerce. 

Teachers' Day Celebrations
5th September 2016
Post Graduate Department of Commerce celebrated Teachers’ day on 5th September 2016. Many students came forward to express their gratitude towards their teachers. Students shared their feelings through poems, songs and different writings. Students also expressed their love for their teachers’ by making cards, posters and collages. Students celebrated this day with full zeal.

Newspaper Making Competition
22nd August 2016
A Newspaper Making Competition was held on 22nd August 2016. Students participated in the competition with full zeal and enthusiasm. Topics such as-  ‘College News’, ‘ Business News’, ‘Lifestyle and Entertainment’ and ‘Make in India’ were represented by the students in different styles.


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