

11th March 2022
Objective: To create awareness about intellectual property rights among students.
To acquaint the students with intellectual property rights, the P.G. Department of Commerce organized a guest lecture on “Introduction to the World of Intellectual Property” on 11 March, 2022. The resource person of the seminar was Professor Rupinder Tiwari. He is IPR Chair Professor, Mentor at - DST Technology Enabling Centre, Punjab University Chandigarh. Dr. Aarti Garg coordinated the guest lecture on IPR and welcome the Officiating Principal Dr. Sangeeta Sharma and Chief Guest, Dr. Rupinder Tiwari, and gave an introduction about the topic.  Dr. Rupinder Tiwari discussed types of Intellectual Property, its essential conditions, IP rights, exceptions, validity, infringement of IPR, and National and International Organisations for IPR. His lecture on IPR was very much informative and knowledgeable. Students gained some new things and resolved their queries by asking questions from Mr. Rupinder. Mrs. Leena Kakkar, Head, Department of Commerce gave a vote of Thanks at the end of the lecture.
Learning Outcome: Students gained knowledge about intellectual property rights and various aspects associated with them.


1st December 2021

P.G. Department of Commerce in Collaboration with Red Ribbon Club, DSCW celebrated AIDS Day on December 1, 2021. It was dedicated to creating awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. Students participated in Poster making and Speech Competition. Students gained knowledge about AIDS and how to keep safe from HIV Infection. 

 29th  November 2021

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a Commfiesta 2021, an annual event to promote and showcase the talents and skills of students. The event typically includes a range of activities such as Corporate Roadies, mock interviews, Brochure designing, and Corporate Dilemmas.

Corporate Roadies is a business plan competition that challenges participants to come up with innovative and feasible business ideas. Participants were judged on the originality, feasibility, and potential profitability of their ideas.

Mock Interviews were typically organized to help students prepare for job interviews by providing them with a simulation of a real interview. Participants were usually asked to their skills, experience, and goals, and were given feedback on their performance.

Brochure designing was a common activity that involves designing brochures for various businesses, products, or services, The participants were usually given a brief and asked to create a brochure that effectively promotes the business or product while also being visually appealing.

A Corporate Dilemma was another popular activity that involves presenting participants with a complex corporate scenario and asking them to cope with a solution that considers ethical, legal, and financial implications.

Learning Outcome: Commfiesta was a great opportunity for students to showcase their skills, learn from their peers, and gain valuable experience that can help them succeed in their future careers.

27th November 2021

In order to make the students aware of the safe investment plans and to enhance their knowledge about the stock market Post Graduate Department of Commerce under the patronage of honorable Chairman S. Nirmal Singh Dhillon and Officiating Principal Dr. Sangeeta Sharma conducted an online workshop related to Financial Independence in association with SV Wealth Partners (SEBI Initiative). Different topics like how to invest, steps in financial planning, financial regulators, and tax benefits of investment were discussed during the workshop. Mr. Dheeraj Khaitan, Financial Planner and Advisor, SV Wealth Partners was the speaker. The session held at 10.00 AM on the Zoom platform. Near about 80 students participated in the workshop. It helped the students to increase their level of knowledge in financial markets. The speaker told students about the various investment methods and the pros and cons of every alternative. Students were taught about the benefits of having knowledge of various investment methods and how they can add value to the student’s resume and create more opportunities for employment. The overall session was very energetic and students participated with a lot of enthusiasm.

Learning Outcome: Learners got acquainted with the investment in securities and also got knowledge about how to make an investment in securities.


18th -22nd October 2021

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce conducted a Five-Day Workshop on various topics related to Stock Market and Mutual Funds in association with SEBI. The session was held at 10.00 AM through google meet, with around 100 students connected. The workshop’s objective was to aware the students about the working of the stock market. The speakers taught students about the various investment methods and how they can go with live trading at the BSE. The overall session was energetic and students participated with enthusiasm.


15thAugust,  2021

P.G. Department of Commerce in collaboration with Red Ribbon Club, DSCW,  organized an online quiz competition, celebrating 75 years of independence on 15th August 2021. The competition was organized to remember all those who fought valiantly and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of India. To celebrate the tricolor with liberty, beauty in diversity, unity in differences, and brotherhood of the largest democracy in the world. Students from different schools/colleges all over India and abroad participated in the competition with great enthusiasm. Certificates were provided to the winners and participants.


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